Vocab Category
- Academics
- Adjectives
- Age
- Ailments
- Alphabet & Numbers
- Animals
- assistive devices & medicine
- Basic Food & Drink
- Basic Meals
- Beverages
- Calendar
- Calendar & Tense
- chores
- Cities
- Classroom
- Clock Time
- clothing
- Colors
- Condiments & Sauces
- Conditional Statements
- Continents
- Conversational Feedback
- Cookies
- cooking & food preparation
- countries
- Courtesy
- Dairy
- Describing people
- Dessert
- directional verbs
- directions
- emotions
- employment
- Environment
- Expanded calendar
- Fruit
- getting around campus
- Grains
- Holidays & Celebrations
- Locations
- meat
- Money
- More People & Relationships
- multi-ingredient foods
- Negation
- Numbers
- Numbers 31-100
- Numbers to a million
- occupations
- People & Places
- Personalities
- Pets
- Pronoun
- Pronouns
- Quantifiers
- relationships
- School Subjects
- Skills & Obligations
- Sports
- States
- Survival
- Survival Signs & Communication
- Survival Signs & Phrases
- tendencies
- Time: Duration
- Traits & Tendencies
- Travel & Transportation
- types of cuisine
- vegetables